“…students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, [are] more likely to
- earn higher grades an test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs.
- be promoted, pass their classes, and earn credits.
- attend school regularly
- have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school.
- graduate and go on to postsecondary education.”
–A New Wave of Evidence SEDL study by Anne T. Henderson and Karen L. Mapp
“Students are more likely to be motivated, to earn higher grades, to have better behaviour and social skills, and to continue their education to a higher level when their parents are actively engaged in supporting their success at school.”
– Ontario Ministry of Education
I teach primary and we use phrases such as ‘Approaching’, ‘Meeting Expectations’ and ‘Exceeds Expectations’ — not letter grades. How does a Learning Map look us at these grade levels?
Please see the attached PDF!
Sample ELA gr 2 (pdf)